Research and Planning: Magazine Tutorial

Friday, 13 September 2013 03:46 Posted by

During this project, I had to create a magazine of a Film Review which contained an article, an image, a heading and a background.
To begin with, I started with the Article. I looked up a film review for Johnny Depp's 'The Lone Ranger' on safari and copied & pasted it into Microsoft Word. I opened up Adobe InDesign and created a new document, then I made 3 column borders by going to Layout > Margins andColumns and typed in '3' for the number of Columns. Next, I went onto File > Place and clicked on the saved Word document with the film review. InDesign came up with the mouse containing all of the text, I created a box for each column using the guidelines InDesign gave me earlier. With this, I was able to create three columns of text; however, the text was too long so I had to erase some paragraphs in order to fit it all in. 
The next thing I had to do was import an image for the magazine. Like the text, I went on Safari and looked for an image relating to 'The Lone Ranger'. Once I found one, I dragged it to the Desktop, allowing the image to be saved on the Mac. Like earlier, I went back to InDesign and clicked on to File > Place and clicked on the .jpg image. This allowed InDesign to place the image onto my magazine design. I moved the image to the way I wanted it and changed the size. In order to change the size, I had to click on the Selection Tool and moved the box to the size I wished it to be; I then went onto Object > Fitting > Fit Content To Frame which shrunk the image to the guidelines of the box.

Adding to this, I had to create a Text Box for the Heading. To do so, I clicked on the Type Tool in the toolbar and dragged the mouse to create a box. I moved the box so it was at the top and typed in 'The Lone Ranger Review'. I edited the text so it was the right size and font by highlighting the text and going to the top of the program. 

Lastly, I had to create a background. In order for me to do this, I went to the toolbar and clicked on the Rectangle Tool. Next, I held the mouse in the top corner of the border and went to the bottom corner of the page in order to fill the entire magazine background.