Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Analysis

Friday, 11 October 2013 03:17 Posted by
This is a Double Page spread dedicated to the group, All Amaerican Rejects. I wish to set out my magazine double page like this one as it is very eye-catching as well as shows a number of good images.
To begin with, the Double page spread is based around the genre of Rock/Punk. This shows that impression since the colours are dark yet vibrant and the group are a punk band. The colours have suited well to the large image. As you can see, the singer's jeans and hat on number 2 are the same colour as number 1 as well as the double page layout overall. This relates well to the genre as it presents an eye-catching look to the pages.
Futhermore, the genre of this double page is Rock. The way the models are positioned in the largest image (number 2) are facing right at the camera, this suggests intimidation as well as rebellion that they are positioned as though they are coming towards the camera.

In addition, the impression they show on the Double page spread suggests mainly that the group are being interviewd by the magazine. This suggests that the band are either very popular to have this interview or they are beginning a tour/promoting an album. As you can see on number 4, the columns are layed out as though it is a chatroom as they have put the talker's name in red then have written what they said. Overall, the representation of the Double page spread is dedicated to being different and not being what the media tells you to be. The showing of this is seen in the images on number 5.
Moreover, the audience for the magazine contents page would mainly be teenagers to young adults. Like the Contents Page, the age group would be roughly 18 - 25 year olds.
Judging by the use of colour in the Contents Page, the black, purple and red suggests the group are quite the opposite to Pop or Indie: The colour Red is known to be a confident colour that usually suggests that the person is passionate of what they are doing and do not care for other's opinions, the colour Purple can suggest imagination or being creative,and, lastly, the colour Black can illustrate secretative or hidden signs. Therefore, they are displaying the fact that the group are known to be a creative, passionate group that don't identify their secrets.
As you can see on number 4, the use of Gutters has been used in between the two columns in order to make it more organised. However, the columns have not been justified; they have been aligned to the left in order to make it easier to read. The gutters are not very thick, this is good as it allows the double page to look professional. The border guideline around the double page spread is quite narrow. This creates an idea that the double page is packed with information and images.
At number 3, there is a quote as well as some more writing from the interview. The quote has a slight drop shadow to it in order for it to pop out of the page. The placement of the quote box suggests that it is in the interview and the editor has picked it out. This will allow the reader to find where the quote is by reading the interview.
Also, the placement of images at number 5 have been tilted at an angle and look as though they have been stuck on with tape. The image placement makes the Double page look like a scrap book styled layout. This makes the reader interested in the page.
Above number 1, there is a thin red line and it is behind the double page layout. You can tell this because the red line is placed behind the Band member's head. This can give a good effect to the band members as it shows they are important and it allows them to pop out of the magazine. The red line has the name of the band in front of it. This is a good idea as it allows the reader to find out who the editior is talking about as well as who the band are called.