Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Update

Saturday, 28 December 2013 07:35 Posted by
I have been making gaps under some paragraphs in order to fit in Quotes. These quotes will be from a certain answer. I have placed one in today and here are the results:

Research and Planning: Contents Page Design Updates

Friday, 27 December 2013 14:07 Posted by

Research and Planning: Contents Page Update

Tuesday, 24 December 2013 05:17 Posted by

Research and Planning: Contents Page Numbers

05:14 Posted by
Contents Pages:


- "Meeting G-Dragon was a big surprise" An interview with a YG visitor P.9

- BIGBANG's Comeback True or False?     P.19

- EXO's New Album Fans are GROWLing P.15


-Addicted Amy Amy reviews the latest Korean tunes P. 23

-Latest K-Pop Fashion SHINee's new transformation P.25

- Competitions Win a BIGBANG poster and more! P.30

- Horoscope of the day P.28

- Updates from K-Pop MAMA 2013's award-winners P.17

- Next Week's Issue... P.32

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Progress

04:27 Posted by

Research and Planning: Progress on Double Page Spead

Friday, 13 December 2013 04:12 Posted by

Research and Planning: Updated Posts

03:01 Posted by
Updated Posts:

-Interviews now include a conclusion/analysis.

-Test Shots now includes analysing. More test shots will be posted.

-Double Page Spread Story

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Story

Tuesday, 10 December 2013 09:14 Posted by
Heading - "Meeting G-Dragon was a Big Surprise"
Sub-heading - Olivia Worthington talks about her time at YG


Q. We heard that you went to the YG Bulding in South Korea, what was it like?
A. Oh, it was amazing! The outside building may look dull but the inside is so breathtaking

Q. Is it the same as the outside, dull and plain?
A. Surprisingly no, I vaguely knew what some of the building looked like. I was surprised to see that the building was very different yet amazing; and, because it is coming to christmas, the inside was filled with awesome christmas decorations that I haven't seen before. Whoever is in charge of designing the inside of the building are so imaginative.

Q. What did you do while you were there?
A. Well, I had a pass to go inside the building for a certain amount of time. It was like a tour and just a woman who was slightly older than me had to show me around so I wouldn't get lost. I had access to everywhere in the building except for the very top floor, that's where the boss was hiding. -laughs- I didn't wish to see him anyway, I was scared to approach him in case he was in a bad mood or something.

Q. Were you able to take any pictures of the place?
A. Sadly no! The person who showed me around said that I wasn't able to take pictures of anything in the building because it was so secure they do not want anything to leak out to the public. To be honest, I wasn't really shocked that they didn't let me take any pictures.

Q. Did you go to the famous YG recording studio?
A. Yep. It was only a quick walk around and checking out the technology in the studio, the speakers are amazing in that room! I met Teddy in there which will always be a cherished memory.

Q. Apart from Teddy, did you see anyone else?
A. Funny story, as I was walking around the studio a recording was going on. I didn't recognise the song as first so I didn't take notice. As the recording stopped, I heard a voice that sounded so familiar. It turns out it was the one-of-a-kind man, G-Dragon!

Q. How was it to see the G-Dragon in person?
A. To be honest I was astonished. Meeting G-Dragon was a big surprise, so when he came over I was speechless. He did his legendary 90-degree bow and shook my hand, we then has a chat in English. He's not fluent in English, so it was a quick conversation. His hair was bleach blonde and it looked really soft, so I asked if I was able to feel his hair. He chuckled and bent down to my level and I touched his hair abit. You usually see GD as a person with no emotion, but when I met him in person he was so nice and innocent. Him and Teddy allowed me to listen to a bit of the song because they knew I wouldn't leak it. -laughs- It was such an amazing experience. 

Q. Can you tell us about the song you heard?
A. You already know the song. When I went to visit, he was recording his Coup D'etat album. Looking back, the song sounds exactly the same as Runaway. I know because it has the same chorus as the audio I head. -laughs-

Q. I’m sure our readers would love to hear if you met T.O.P or not. Did you?
A. Hahaha! I wanted to save that part for later, but I did meet T.O.P. He is the shyest boy I have ever met. I saw him in the recording studio lying down on the sofa. He shot up as soon as he saw me and bowed the same time as Teddy came over to shake my hand. He wasn’t wearing sunglasses like he usually does and he looked pretty tired which sounds to me like he has been working on something in the studio.

Q. Did you speak to him?
A. I said hello and bowed
slightly and he did the same. It wasn’t awkward, but because both of us were so shy we didn’t speak to each other! Plus, that was when I saw G-Dragon, so I never got to speak to him properly. -laughs- He is so adorable.

Q. Did you see the rest of YG Family like 2NE1 or the other BIGBANG members?
A. Um... I think I glanced over and spotted CL and Dara while I was walking down the hallway because I recall seeing their black and blonde hair -laughs-. I saw Lee Hi in the canteen bit, although I didn't want to go near her as she looked busy. It was nice to see how that was their sanctuary away from the paparazzi.

Q. Was the dance room being used?
A. Haha, the thing is we were so intrigued by the design of the place, and the fact I met the G-Dragon, I was a bit out of it. But yeah, we did see the dance room but we had to get out of there because a YG group were performing.

Q. Were the staff friendly?
A. Definitely. You would think that they were quite strict and harsh because they have the most famous k-pop groups ever and, with what you hear in news articles and stuff, you wouldn't fully believe that they were kind enough to show a little fan like me around the place.

Q. There are usually a lot of fans outside the building. How did you get in?
A. I was quite amazed for the staff to notice I had a pass, it took a lot of convincing to make them realise the pass was real. While I was convincing, a secretary came out saying I was the right person. They must have a lot of fans faking entrance passes and I'm not overly surprised about that.

Q. Overall, did you enjoy the tour around YG? 
A. Yes. So much yes. It was an amazing experience and if someone allowed me to go again, I wouldn’t hesitate.

Research and Planning: Touch-Ups on Cover

06:33 Posted by
I have been touching up the lines on the skin. This allowed the sharpened-line to be covered up as well as having a lighter background.


Research and Planning: After Cover Research

06:15 Posted by
After the cover research, I decided to change the font of each large cover line from 'REVOLUTION II' to 'REVOLUTION'. This made a nice touch but I had to change the colour of the coverlines to even out the colours.

Research and Planning: Magazine Cover Research

06:03 Posted by
I have been looking at other inspirations for my magazine cover. These are what I had found:

Even though the genre in these three magazine covers are un-relatable to my music theme, the style and the positioning of the text are similar to the kind I want.
I feel as though I should change the font of my coverlines to a more solid style rather than it looking too urban and slightly distorted.
The cover line font is 'Revolution II' and there is another 'Revolution' font that is different and more of a solid style than this. I may use this and show this later on.

Research and Planning: Double Page Spread Ideas

Monday, 9 December 2013 11:55 Posted by
I have found a double paged spread that is dedicated to G-Dragon

Even though this based on his fashion, the layout of the double page spread looks organized and professional. I may take this into account when making my idea.

Research and Planning: G-Dragon - About

Friday, 6 December 2013 04:07 Posted by

Kwon Ji Yong (Korean: 권지용; born August 18, 1988), better known by his stage name G-Dragon (Korean: 지드래곤), is a South Korean rapper, singer, songwriter, dancer, lyricist, producer, model, endorser and fashion icon.

Research and Planning: Recent Updated Posts

03:50 Posted by


A note regarding my work
Due to inconveniences and distractions, it is quite difficult for me to concentrate with my work. I am focused on my work and attempt to block the distractions around me by plugging my earphones in but sometimes it does not work successfully. Due to the fact that I have previously worked with the Adobe Creative Suite before, other students around me are constantly asking questions and do not listen when I explain it. This can lead to me doing the work for them and me rarely updating my blog. As well as writing it on here, I will tell my Media Studies teacher.

Research and Planning: Progress so far

Tuesday, 3 December 2013 06:43 Posted by
I have changed the cover back to wear it was. I felt as though the contrast ruined the cover.

 I am working on a draft contents page, also.

Research and Planning: Progress on Cover

Friday, 29 November 2013 03:42 Posted by
I was looking at the possibilities of having different tone and shades to the magazine cover. Here is one I have been looking at:

I added a Black and White effect to the model and kept the red background. To make the colours more balanced, I changed the coverlines to a dark red but kept the smaller coverlines as black. I contrasted the model to look ghost-like. I also added so the black and white did not go on the eye colour, leaving an intimidating look.

Research and Planning: Production Schedule

03:33 Posted by

Research and Planning: Completed Shot List

03:19 Posted by
The Shot List is finally completed. This is the list of each camera shot I have made in the model photos.

Research and Planning: Make Up Post

Thursday, 28 November 2013 11:58 Posted by
Because I wanted the magazine to have a grunge feel to it, I decided that my models should use eyeliner as it gives a dark look and it allows their eye colour to stand out.

 These are the main make-up tools and makeup I will be using:

Thick and Thin Eyeliner

The thikck eyeliner gives a bold black line. It is a very thick and solid eyeliner and can last a long tme. This will be used for some of the models.

The thin eyeliner does not last as long as the thick eyeliner. However, this can give a fine and precise line compared to the other one. The eyeliner is not as solid as the other one due to the lasting of the pen.

Models and Makeup


Model 1 will have the thin eyeliner (12) on as well as the number 8 in eyeshadow. I did this because I believed this gave a nice vibrant look yet it is not too crazy. The eyeliner is fine and thin, however the eyeliner turns more bold when the eye is fully open. The eyeshadow is still noticeable when the eye is open. The eyeshadow will be put on using the number 1 tool and will be blended in the skin using the same tool. The base of her eye will be coated in BB Cream (5) and Concealer (10).


Model 2 will have the simple eyeliner wing using number 11. Her outfit is very simplistic and we cannot ruin it by showing obscure colours in her eyes. Her hair also covers most of her eyes so having big colours aren't necessary. The base of her eye will be coated in BB Cream (5) and Concealer (10).


Model 3 will has the illusionist eyeliner on. This technique will be created using both the thick and thin eyeliner. The thin eyeliner will be used to create the wing and the upper line. The thick eyeliner will be used for the rest. The illusion is that when the eye opens, it will look as though there is a shadow and also the eyelid becomes more visible, allowing it to  have a smokey effect. A bit of shading is used by using the number 2 tool. This will be done by using a black eyeshadow also. To make the shade, add some black eyeshadow at the end of the eye and blend up to the other end of the eye. This shows a smokey yet simplistic look. The technique has been used on many Korean artists when trying to show the eyelid.

Research and Planning: New Research

09:10 Posted by
I have found some inspiration to help me with my music magazine. The idol on the magazine is a Korean star and this is good as it will show me the style of which I can present my work.

I like this one as it has shown a black and white effect on the model's feet but has kept the colour where the text is. This gives a nice look to the double page spread.

Research and Planning: Magazine so far

Tuesday, 26 November 2013 05:36 Posted by
I have not been updating on here regarding the making of my magazine. The cover has almost finished but needs some touch-ups before it is ready.

The blue border on the magazine are the guides and will not be on the final design.
The double page spread has not been made yet. However, I have been working on a rough design of the Contents Page on Photoshop. For the final, I will be using InDesign

This is the Before and After screenshots of when using touch-ups on Photoshop


As you can see, there are some changes on the model on the right regarding the eye colour and the skin. Also, the two models in the corner are now contrasted.